Bristol Avon

WaterBlitz is now RiverBlitz!

Please go to our Bristol Avon RiverBlitz site to explore our citizen science data and find out all about the project.

Why has the project changed?

Our citizen science project has evolved since the first event in 2016, with the number of participants and amount of data involved growing year on year. Where we previously worked with a project partner to deliver the project, we have decided to go it alone in order to expand the number of events we can deliver throughout the year, engage more river guardians, monitor more of our watercourses and make more of an impact within the Bristol Avon catchment. At a time when Environment Agency monitoring is being reduced (by half since 2013), citizen science is more important than others to help protect and enhance our vital freshwater ecosystems.

Our RiverBlitz project looks at both the chemical and ecological health of our rivers and streams, using a different, easy-to-use testing kits and asking volunteers to observe a wide range of ecological characteristics in order to build up an in-depth and very useful picture of our watercourses. We hope you enjoy using the new platform and take the opportunity to get involved in the next RiverBlitz event.