Email Template: Call on EDF to protect species in the Severn Estuary
Use this template to email your MP or other members of our government urging them to take action for the Severn Estuary.
The Bristol Avon Catchment is a unique and beautiful network of rivers, streams and lakes, with the Bristol Avon at its heart. Stretching 75 miles from its source in Wiltshire, to its confluence with the River Severn in Bristol, the River Avon and its tributaries are the lifeblood of the area and they are under constant threat.
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART) is working hard to protect our rivers for the benefit of people and wildlife.
Use this template to email your MP or other members of our government urging them to take action for the Severn Estuary.
Sign the petition: help prevent millions of fish deaths in the Severn Estuary. The new Hinkley power station could devastate fish populations without an AFD.
BART have been spending some time looking at the Bristol Frome, Cam and Midford Brooks riverfly data and have produced some reports.
How Estuaries Support Fish Life: Insights from the Severn Estuary Estuaries are incredible ecosystems—vibrant, ever-changing, and teeming with life. They play a vital role in supporting fish populations, acting as…
A team of volunteer artists have been out in South Bristol to bring to life our message of ‘Only Rain down the Drain’ by painting storm drain art in Bedminster.
BART firmly urges EDF to install the required Acoustic Fish Deterrent and provide adequate compensation for species impacted by Hinkley Point C’s operations.