Bristol Avon RiverBlitz

10 km
10 mi
High Nutrient Pollution
(Nitrate N-NO₃ > 2mg/L OR Phosphate P-PO₄ > 0.1mg/L)
Medium Nutrient Pollution
(Nitrate N-NO₃ > 0.5mg/L OR Phosphate P-PO₄ > 0.05mg/L)
Low Nutrient Pollution
(Nitrate N-NO₃ ≤ 0.5mg/L AND Phosphate P-PO₄ ≤ 0.05mg/L)
Nutrient pollution is the average of two parameters, nitrates and phosphates, measured during RiverBlitz events. These provide an indication of nutrient levels at a given time and can be impacted by a range of factors.
Bristol Avon RiverBlitz


Welcome to the RiverBlitz Data Explorer. Here you can view the health of rivers and streams in the Bristol Avon Catchment.

The data has been collected by Citizen Scientists who took water samples of our local rivers, measuring the levels of nutrients in their chosen watercourse. The data collected demonstrates where levels of nutrients are low, medium or high, giving an indication of water quality in the immediate vicinity at that time.


BART     Riskaware

This interactive data viewer has been developed by Riskaware in collaboration with the Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART). It has been created to visualise the results collected by the citizen scientists who have been taking part in the Bristol Avon RiverBlitz.

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