Do you want to help our rivers but you have no free time to volunteer? Are you looking to change your lifestyle to become more environmentally friendly?

Well why not start now, and follow these 5 simple changes you can make in your day-to-day life which will massively benefit our local rivers and the wildlife that depends on them!

It will take all of us working together to have healthy rivers – this is our river and our responsibility.

Don’t drop litter or fly tip

Rubbish, no matter how small, can harm wildlife and cause blockages which can lead to flooding. Be sure to bin it every time.

Choose eco-friendly laundry and cleaning products when washing your clothes and your dishes.

Phosphates are a common ingredient in household cleaning products but they pollute our rivers and act as fertilisers, increasing weed growth. Switch to phosphate-free brands instead.

Use water wisely

Wash less – only use washing machines and dishwashers when you have a full load. Turn the tap off whilst brushing your teeth.

Remember to only flush the three P’s – pee, poo & (toilet) paper

Everything else should go in the bin (even wipes that claim to be flushable). Items that shouldn’t be flushed can stick together, block the sewer and enter our rivers.

Check your home for misconnections

Sinks, baths, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers should connect into the foul drain. Find out more here.

Check your septic tank & make sure it is working properly

If you’ve got one, make sure it’s working properly, isn’t leaking and is emptied once a year to stop phosphates seeping into the ground. Find out more about how to look after your off mains sewage system at

Don’t pour paint, chemicals or oils down the drain

Many of our drains lead directly into our rivers. Take them to your local household waste recycling centre.

If you see any signs of pollution contact the Environment Agency

If you see dead fish floating in the river, discoloured or smelly water, contact the Environment Agency hotline on 0800 80 70 60.

Check, clean and dry all your clothes and equipment before and after visiting your local river

Invasive species can affect fish and other wildlife as well as blocking up our rivers and being costly to manage. Help to stop the spread of invaders by following the check, clean dry code.

Get involved – volunteer with Bristol Avon Rivers Trust

Volunteer with Bristol Avon Rivers Trust and spread the word via social media and with your family and friends.