Julian returned to education after 15 years in the insurance and construction industries to get a BSc Hons in Environmental Biology from Essex University.

He followed this with a PhD in phosphorus recovery and recycling in agriculture from the University of Bath’s Chemical Engineering Dept.

Julian then worked for the Environment Agency in Cornwall for seven years as a water quality scientist.

After two years in the role of Senior Scientist, Julian left the EA to become a sustainable business advisor with Global Action Plan.

Here he re-trained and specialised in ISO14001 implementation, energy management and carbon reduction.

Julian then moved to Bath Spa University to take up the role of Energy and Carbon Manager to lead the organisation on a path towards decarbonisation.

Jullian is now Sustainability Manager, responsible for the University’s environmental portfolio, including energy and carbon.

Passionate about the plight of our rivers, Julian was compelled to make a difference to his local Bristol Avon and was a founding member of BART.