BART are delighted to have got through to the voting stage for Tesco’s Bags of Help Green token scheme, funded by the carrier bag tax.
Your vote can help us to raise funds to restore habitat in an urban stretch of the Wellow Brook through Radstock. This stretch supports small and declining populations of brown trout and bullhead, amongst other species, and has suitable substrate capable of supporting greater fish numbers. However, straightening and modification of the river has resulted in minimal habitat diversity and low flows, which are insufficient to flush out sediment. This sediment smothers gravels to the detriment of spawning trout and invertebrates. The funding would allow us to construct a series of flow deflecting structures using woody material won from coppicing banksides to let light into the river. These structures concentrate flows onto the riverbed which flushes out sediment, as well as providing a variety of flows essential for different species and life stages of fish.
This work will link up with our wider Wellow and Cam initiative which seeks to address issues along the length of the Wellow and Cam Brooks.
Please keep an eye out for us in stores around Bath in September and October. More info here: