As part of our Greggs Foundation funded project, over 60 pupils from Bristol have been out running their own Yellowfish Project to educate members of their community on the link between storm drains and their river, the Bristol Frome.
The Yellowfish initiative involves spraying yellow fish stencils onto the side of storm drains using non-toxic, washable paint and putting up posters and handing out leaflets to local businesses and houses in order to spread the often unknown message that storm drains at the side of the road run directly into the nearest river or stream. This means that whatever is poured down them, whether it is oil, litter or car shampoo, will pollute our waterways and kill fish and other wildlife!

Some of the primary school pupils admiring their handiwork!
Remember, ‘Only rain down the drain!’
A massive thank you to all of the pupils who helped us to spread the message, we couldn’t have done it without you!
N.B. The fish got better throughout the day but nothing can beat those smiles above! 🙂