Thank you so much to everyone who has taken part in our Bristol Avon Catchment Partnership funded Freshwater Watch citizen science project over the last year, from those of you who sampled during the one week Waterblitz, to those farmers, community groups, schools and Riverfly monitors who sampled throughout the year. We have received an amazing amount of data on phosphates and nitrates (over 450 samples!) and we couldn’t have collected all of this without you. We will be analysing the data as soon as we receive it all, so watch this space to find out the results!

Thanks to all of our volunteers for their water quality monitoring efforts
Unfortunately we have now run out of test kits so are unable to provide anymore until we can find another funder to continue the project. We are still getting a number of requests from landowners, fishing clubs and individuals to monitor which is fantastic and if you are interested in doing your own monitoring, we recommend taking a look at the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Citizen Science and Volunteering Monitoring Resources document here. It details some of the most recommended kits looking at a variety of water quality variables including oxygen concentration, phosphates and nitrates and many others.

An example of some of the monitoring kits recommended by CaBA and reviewed by several Rivers Trusts around the country.
If you are a community group or club, BART may be able to help you raise funds in order to purchase monitoring equipment. Do get in touch with our Project Manager if this is an opportunity you would like us to explore –